JARANA investigates those collective traditional practices that have disappeared or are in danger of disappearing. A piece that invites reflection on the importance of preserving traditional celebrations and at the same time exploring new forms of collective expression in an increasingly changing and technological world.
JARANA is a celebration, an investigation that closes a cycle of three pieces in which traditional collective practices are the main concepts of the investigation, taking into account the fascination of the creator in observing participation in collective practices that finds the root in the human need for connection and belonging.
Artistic Team:
Idea and direction: Laia Santanach
Creation and performers: Anna Hierro, Mario G. Sáez, Carlos Martorell, Julia Sanz and Laia Santanach
Original music: Carlos Martorell
External view: Isaac Montllor
Lighting design: Jou Serra
Scenography: Mariona Signes
Technical manager:Gabriela Bianchi
Sound design: Adrià Juan.
Costume design: Mariona Signes
Management: Caroline Giffard
Video Creator: Ignasi Castañé
Photography: Jofre Moreno

"The piece, which is not similar to Àer or Tradere, but remains linked by an almost transparent thread, closes this trilogy in which its author, very freely, reflects on traditions and popular events. On this occasion, not so much in the reproduction or sponsorship of a specific festival as in the general idea that we have a better time together, which has been the pillar that has sustained these town festivals throughout their lives, which should continue to be celebrated even if they are always the same."
"Jarana is the quintessence of this principle. It does not defend or sponsor the popular tradition of a specific place. It advocates that they should not die out. It demands that they should not be held in large cities. It sells the attractions of what we can do together with our free time and how fantastic we can have a good time. It is not an apology for the popular festival but a reminder of its social benefit."
"The meticulous care of a staging that leaves none of its components unguarded and a calculated and enveloping dramatic progression are, to a large extent, the keys to Jarana. The dancers, precise and full of tics, advance in a revelry that is easy to see and difficult to do. Santanach reveals himself to be skillful in composition and ingenious in movement, entangling and untangling bodies in a tangle of skilfully joined jackets, which dress, undress and half-dress all of his dancers, often curled up in a ball during the first part of the choreography.
There is colour, lots of colour, in Jarana. There is camouflaged folklore and there is also humour. But above all, optimism, it is a work made of contagious positive vibrations."